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A hitlist is a list of sound File IDs and/or other HLS File IDs used by HIT. HLS refers to two binary formats that define hitlists, analogous to the HOT GlobalHitList section in The Sims 1.

One HLS format is a Pascal string with a 4-byte, little-endian length, representing a comma-seperated list of decimal values, or decimal ranges (e.g. "1025-1035"), succeeded by a single LF newline.

The other, less flexible format (lacking support for ranges) is represented as follows, with little-endian integers:

  • Version - A 4-byte unsigned integer equal to 1
  • Sound/hitlist count - A 4-byte unsigned integer specifying the number of sound/hitlist File IDs to follow
  • Sounds/hitlists - For each sound/hitlist, a 4-byte unsigned integer specifying the File ID of the sound/hitist


Hitlists are also described in the XML format used in the Play Test version of the game with the use of the hitlist tag as follows:

<hitlist> HitListID Patch1 Patch2 ... </hitlist>
  • HitListID - The File ID of this hitlist
  • Patch1, Patch1, ... - The name of the first patch, second patch, and so on

where patches are described with the use of the patch tag as follows:

<patch> PatchName SoundID SoundLocation Looped Username Time </patch>
  • PatchName - The name of this patch
  • SoundID - The File ID of the sound associated with this patch
  • SoundLocation - The original location of the sound associated with this patch
  • Looped - 1 if the sound is to be looped, 0 otherwise
  • Username - The Perforce username of the person who created the event; always pwilkinson for Paul Wilkinson
  • Time - A Unix timestamp indicating when this object was committed to Perforce