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Hand Group
Type of format Character rendering
Filename extension .hag
Byte order Big endian
Extended from cmx.bcf
Type ID 18
Hand groups collect together the various hand gesture appearances of the game. There are always exactly 18 appearances referenced in a hand group (3 skin colors × 2 hands × 3 gestures).

Hand groups follow the following format:

  • Version - A 4-byte unsigned integer specifying the version of this hand group file; should be equal to 1
  • Light skin hand set
  • Medium skin hand set
  • Dark skin hand set

For each hand set:

  • Right hand
  • Left hand

For each hand:

  • Idle gesture
  • Fist gesture
  • Pointing gesture

For each gesture:

  • File ID - A 4-byte unsigned integer specifying the File ID of the appearance associated with this gesture
  • Type ID - A 4-byte unsigned integer specifying the Type ID of this asset; should be 12 for Appearance